
Ago Lauri – portfolio manager and a member of the management board.

For last 10 years Ago has worked in several positions in Estonian banking sector. He started as an analyst in Estonian Hoiubank and worked later as a director in stock market department and as a deputy director of Hoiubank Markets.  Later he worked as a foreign division director of Hansabank, being responsible for the firms’ development outside Estonia.

Ago is fluent in Estonian and English. He can speak Finnish and Russian.

Kristjan Hänni – administration manager and a member of the management board.

From 1993 till today Kristjan has worked in following positions: in Estonian Ministry of Finance, Bank of Development, Fund Managers Ltd and as a director of Hoiubank Funds Ltd.

He is fluent in Estonian, English and Russian. 

Sulev Nõmmann – one of the founders.

Karl Gerd Wellner – one of the founders. Karl is the president of Papamarkou Wellner Asset Management.

Karl has worked in several leading positions in USA. He has been a president of Volvo’s subsidiary in USA, a managing director of Swiss auction firm Habsburg Feldman Inc.’s branch business and a development-director of Bank Julius Baer New York’s department. 

He is fluent in Swedish, English, French, German and Estonian. He can speak Italian and Russian.

He is married with Deborah Norville (MSNBC’s Emmy awarded news anchor) and has three children. He lives in New York.